YEO weighs in on the privacy concerns and controversy surrounding Telegram, from its sudden rise in 2021 to its recent usage during the war in Ukraine. We weigh in on whether it really is as secure as people think.
YEO weighs in on the privacy concerns and controversy surrounding Telegram, from its sudden rise in 2021 to its recent usage during the war in Ukraine. We weigh in on whether it really is as secure as people think.
Facial recognition technology has taken the world by storm in recent years and has been used for everything from unlocking devices to logging into accounts effortlessly. Read more on how YEO uses facial recognition (aka YEO Mode) to safeguard your messages.
Messaging apps make it easy for people to stay connected with anyone around the world. However, with new ways to stay connected, come new ways to be hacked or intercepted, which is why secure messaging is so important. In this article, YEO explains what secure messaging is and its benefits.
In a world where screenshots can put people’s privacy in danger, YEO delves into why we have banned them for good.
We know you care about your privacy. We know that even if you have “nothing to hide”, you would rather not have Big Tech, the government or anyone peeping over your shoulder as you’re communicating in the digital world. This is YEO privacy promise to you.
We are excited to announce that YEO has been invited to join the prestigious Mayor’s International Business Programme, supported by the Mayor of London.