As a parent or carer, it is important to give your kid their privacy and independence online, however, with so many dark sides to the world wide web, it’s no surprise you have your reservations over their web browsing. One of the biggest concerns parents face when allowing their children to have a mobile device is monitoring the content and apps they are exposed to, and of course, who they are able to connect and chat with.
At YEO, we are all about privacy and security, and we don’t believe there should be any exceptions for children. With that in mind, here is a link to our top tips to keeping your kids safe online and below we have put together our list of apps and resources to give you peace of mind ensuring your children’s safety.
1.Net Nanny by SafeToNet
This clever software allows you to create different profiles and log-ins for each of your children which automatically filters web content for each user based on whether they fit the ‘Child’, ‘Pre-Teen’, ‘Teen’, or ‘Adult’ profile. It allows you to hide profanity on web pages — which is useful if, for example, your child needs to read a news article for a school assignment but the comments section is loaded with swear words.
2. Norton Family
Norton Family is Norton’s parental control tool. It includes several features to help keep children safe online. PC, Android, and iOS are supported. Norton Family can report details of protected devices’ internet browser histories allowing parents to see exactly what children are getting up to on the internet. Norton allows parents to monitor which applications children have downloaded onto protected devices. Additionally, parents can choose to forbid specific applications—like Twitter or Facebook—while permitting all others.
3. Youtube Kids
YouTube is an obvious source of free entertainment for kids — but it doesn’t always feel like a safe choice. Pesky pop-up ads and links to “related” videos can take the fun out of this hub of free entertainment. That’s why YouTube introduced their whitelisted version of the app with kid-friendly only content, YouTube Kids. There’s also a suite of parental controls, so you can create custom child profiles, block channels or videos, keep tabs on their watch history, turn search on or off, set a timer to limit kids’ screen time, report videos, and more.
4. Find My – location sharing on iOS
By setting up family sharing on your iOS device this also activates ‘Find My’ – While many people know that Family Sharing can be used to share iTunes purchases, Apple Music, iCloud storage, and more, did you also know that you can use it to keep track of the locations of your various family members? Once you set up location sharing in the Family Sharing menu, you, your partner, or your kids will be free to share their locations as they choose.
5. YEO Messaging
YEO Messaging has been designed for anyone (including kids) who wants to keep their communications secure and private, all whilst enforcing a level of trust between the sender and the recipient. YEO uses continuous facial authentication and biometric authentication, so users can be assured they are communicating with the right person. This eliminates all kinds of online phishing, fraud, and grooming. Kids can only be connected with friends who’s profile photo matches the face registered, which means parents can rest assured there can be no imposters lurking around messaging your child.